Our Team

The Experts Team

Our dedicated team members that ensure you get your moneys worth

Bryan Salesky

(Founder and chief Executive officer)

Peter Dander, Ph.D.

Coordinator (crypto assets)

Xavier Jose


Sorrels Bills

Protocol Officer

Argo being found in the year 2016 by Bryan Salesky and Peter Rander with the belief that self-driving technology can have a profound impact in cities where access to safe and reliable transportation is needed most. Today, Argo has widened it’s primary cause from not just self-driving technology but has involved fully in Automobile, Crypto Currency, Agriculture, Real estate and Stock Market/Forex. With broad experience and near perfection of our highly rated staff we offer our investors (you) share from returns earned in the different business categories

Argo Asset is a pioneering, fast-rising, technological-driven blockchain-based platform that empowers and operates Cryptocurrency. We are creating a business opportunity For investors who wish to maximize the predominant digital currency (Bitcoin) and earn passively with little or no effort at no hidden charges And also to aid our investors make their lifestyle worth living without any left-out Debt Our team of experienced expert traders with almost 2 decades with accurate results for our investors.

Today, as a successful trade investment and asset management company from United Kingdom with years of impeccable track record, we are trusted by thousands of clients in countries worldwide.